I had some trouble with computer last two days.Finally had to shut it down and pull the plug yesterday.My lovely ex wife got it cleared up and running again.This weekend she will be making it much more hack proof.
Many people on many sites and in daily life keep asking How much more are we gonna Take?
They are stealing us blind.I don't know about you all but my payroll taxes are killing me.Every fucking day,you here of some stupid shit they have done with our money.
Honestly,as I have said before I don't mind some taxes,without some we probally would live in chaos,no fire,police,shitty roads,etc.BUT come on tax the Hell out of us then WASTE IT.
They have made a mockery of the U.S. constituion.More and more of your rights are Gone.SPYING on US citizens in the name of antiterrorism,BULLFUCKING SHIT it is to find out how pissed we are.THEY want to know when you'all are going to take to the streets with pitchforks and torches to kill the Monster.I am pissed,many good people are pissed.
They are doing very little to catch real terriost,but they are watching you saying you are a rightwing domestic terriost. Why?
Because you Still care about the Constitution,Because you are tired of paying more and more in taxes,and then seeing it wasted,seeing it go to bail out Bankers who made some piss poor investments but now are in good enough shape too get huge bonuses,seeing it go to car companies too stupid to change with the times and give people want they want.
If you or I make a bad investment what happens?We lose our asses.
If you don't run your business properly what happens?You shut it down or figure out very quickly how to get it right,more than likely you lose your ass.
Our money is worth next to nothing,and as they keep printing more it will be worth even less.
Everything in our Country at this time is geared to making a select few rich.With so many unemployed,why is the only thing Obama concerned about is Heathcare that the majority doesn't even want?the Republic is gone,many call America a Democracy,But when the Majority doesn't want it what do you call it?Not a Republic,not even a Democracy, Hummm,Honestly I don't care what you call it Monarchy,Dictatorship,Communism,Nazism,IT STINKS,IT SUCKS,Free people can only take it for so long.
Why are OUR police dressing more like soldiers everyday? Jump boots,pants bloussed,balaclavas to hide their faces,name tags and badges often hidden.Does this sound like they are serving or inslaving.
For the last several Presidencies they have written themselves more power and taken more of our rights.
WHY do we need NORTHCOM,or Council of Govenors or a Govt that spys on US.Or acusses us of being terriost because we still love the Constitution and what it represents.Shouldn't THEY be called terriost for undermining the Constitution and trying to circumvent the Document that is America,think it about that,without the Constitution what is America?
In my Humble opinion if as much time was spent on unemployment as was on healthcare.At this time no one would be unemployed.
And what of this Bullshit that we can't be protectionst,its a global world? UUMMM well unless the rest of the world becomes citizens of the United States and uphold the Constitution,pay taxes to America,FUCK EM.If America doesn't Protect America who will?Our friends the Russians,maybe the Chinese, or PERHAPS our Comrades the North Koreans.
So my Question is how much more are we GONNA TAKE???