I have have attempted to think of ways to not have a REVOLUTION,every time I think it may be possible there are more LIES,more DECEIT,more Loss of FREEDOM.I get mad,I think be Rational.I have came to the conclusion I am Totally Rational I have always been Rational.
It is So called American politicians who are completely Irrational.Fact America is a Republic based on the CONSTITUTION.Fact the politicians ignore and sidestep the Constitution.Fact they label Americans who Honor the Constitution as Terriost.
Fact Americans are afraid of their Goverment.Fact the Goverment is supposed to work for the people.Fact they are going against the wishes of the people.Fact even as they are warned they are going against the wishes of the people they push even harder to pass bills that are not wanted.
Fact Our founding Fathers warned this would happen and that Patriotic Americans would always have the RIGHT to be Armed and to have FREE SPEECH.And that when our elected officials no longer listen to the people,then it is time to take up Arms and remind them Who actually RULES this Country.
Fact the REPUBLIC is being destroyed by people who do not want a free Republic,it is being destroyed by people who do want a socialst oligarchy,where the few in power enslave the very people THEY are to serve,not vice versa.
Fact TREASON,Lies,deceit,Laws the people do NOT want,excessive taxes,Fraduelnt waste of said Taxes.
I am asking is it not past time to take our Country back,and make our GOVERMENT work for us once Again.
A lady asked BENJAMIN FRANKINLIN as he walked out from drafting the Constituion,Sir what have you given us? A republic if you can keep it.
WE HAVEN"T KEPT IT,it was stolen from US.Stolen one little tax,one little undesired law at a time,one more little loss of FREEDOM.
NOW WHAT? WHAT Do WE do? Talk has Failed.Do we become Socialst,Communist or whatever their plans are? An over TAXED POLICE state where everyone is poor with no rights,no way to defend yourself?Starving waiting in line for a loaf of Goverment bread.Squealing on friends and neighbors for a Few eggs or a little milk for your kids? SOUNDS crazy right ask the Russians or the Germans.They did nothing either because they wanted Change.IT Is TIME for a REAL change.
WHATS it gonna BE?
Changes & Living a new way
2 weeks ago
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ReplyDeleteWell, as you know R3v, you can count on me. I will stand beside you and all of the others, I am all in brother . No worries , I'll be there. Give me a call so that we can chat a bit.
R3V,send it Bro.
ReplyDeleteChina, will do brother, just busy gearing up. I'll explain soon . SEND IT , Thanks for doing the footwork . I'll call tomorrow with details on your part.
ReplyDeleteChina, things have become very hectic in the past 48 hours, I promise to have the email to ya tomorrow haha .
Talk to ya tomorrow.