If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
- Winston Churchill

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." Patrick Henry



We Are Everywhere.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SO am I paranoid? Yes two more reasons why!

You gotta read these two!!!




  1. Sounds eerily familiar to the type of things ADOLPH HITLER did, doesn't it ? As a matter of fact, all current gun regulations look as if they were taken directly from the nazi gun regulations of the 1930's and 1940's.

    Are these dirtbags emulating HITLER? Looks that way to me. What type of leader was Hitler? He ran a fascist government under tyranical rule. HIEL OHITLER !

    Each and every one of us is under the scope right now. For loving our country and stating that fact in public, we are now their enemy. SO BE IT YA BASTARDS !

    This year is tuning up to be a son of a bitch by the time it is done. If we make it through this year without a scratch, it'll be by sheer dumb luck in my opinion .


  2. Yep,pure dumb luck or a mirracle.I don't know if folks are just to busy to see whats happening or what.Once it hits its em it's gonna be bad.Real bad.


  3. I am starting to get really pissed off at this point. I don't want to become one of those guys that spins and goes postal as a singular unit. All that will accomplish is to give the PTB more ammunition to pass more illegal laws through.

    We need to band together as a unit of American citizens. As much as I feel that an organized resistance is heavily flawed and will fail , we do need the full support of the rest of this nation's civilian population in order to be successful .

    1 man cannot make much of a difference if he goes it alone, especially if he does something stupid and attacks the pentagon with a bolt action rifle. Although I admire his base of thought and the fact that he had had enough, his actions were inevitably in vain and actually made things worse for anyone who wishes to revolt later on .

    The PTB will use things like this to pass ever more intrusive bills and laws, further oppressing all of us working class.

    In reply to your statement, folks are scared China, pure and simple. They are afraid of what their government will do to them should they rise up and be counted. Also, I believe that most folks are inundated with their own personal problems , be that financial, societal and anything else that consumes their thoughts. They don't have time to deal with the big picture.

    There are the few of us who have the ability to look past our personal issues and deal with the big picture. We too are scared but are willing to learn and prepare for what is coming . I hope that our numbers gain strength soon as we will need everyone we can get to be on board. This is a scary time for Americans. Good Luck folks !


  4. I would have to agree . I am scared shitless of what these guys can or will do to us if they have the need to or just feel like hammering us whenever it suits them . That is why I never replied to anything on these blogs, FEAR plain and simple.

    Once I saw 3%4FREEDOM had passed away, I felt that the time was right to let people know that I am here, I agree with the dissent and I want to learn from others who have been doing it.

    I have learned a bunch from your 3 blogs Chiansyndrome and I can't thank you enough for doing this man. Putting the information out there for others to read is a good thing and very good of you to do it .

    I am learning about actual survival from American Apocalypse and about how to tactically defend my self and my family, from this blog . I am learning about politics from Enemy of the State and CATMAN as well as Mayberry and several others.

    If it weren't for you guys , many of us would be lost in the woods. This whole thing has many people freaking out these days and afraid to post due to the potential ramifications via those who are supposed to serve you and me .

    We are scared but, what happens when you back a scared animal into a corner? They come out fighting and meaner then ever imagined.

  5. R3V,you are right on the money as always.I know folks are scared,hell it hit us all you,3%,Me,but hopefully folks will do like us and others and say Fuck that this is OUR country and we are not taking this crap anymore.When your Govt goes against what the people want its time for a change.When I started this particular blog with you and 3% one of my sons said You know they will probally kill you.He is not a conspiracy theory type at all.I said I have thought about it,and this the best way for me to help my country.I have said for a while now I hope we can make a real change without bloodshed on any side.But as they ignore our wishes more and more.Start spying on us,classify us as terriost.I see that it is unlikely.But as you say I hope no one else goes at it alone,wait for the majority to come along they will.I seems so slow for those who want it now (me).
    But suicide now matter how brave is not gonna help our cause.For those spying get it Right.OUR CAUSE is America a free REPUBLIC.nothing more nothing less.


  6. Regular Guy. I feel ya Bro we have all been (are) scared.It's guys like me and you me,R3V,and Threeper wanted to help.I know its scary stepping up,but if not us Who?From what I learned of the Brother Threeper would of been honored that you joined us.A hero is nothing more than a regular guy who did a gut check and said Man I gotta do this.I am really glad we have been a help to you.The very fact all of us have to be scared pisses me Off.This is America a free country.We are good people.We are not terriost,hell we don't want to fight.R3V,3%,any vet who has seen war doesn't want to see it again without a Damn good reason.Not being scared of your govt seems to me a damn good reason.Having elected officals who listen to those who elected them,seems like a Damn good reason.Want my kids and Grandkids to be free in America is a Damn good reason.There are many socialst countries out there if thats what they want cool move bye bye,but dont try to change us.


  7. Man is it great to have "A Regular Guy" come and say this to you . It means that what you are doing here is working ! Regular folks, good down home Americans are able to come here and learn something that they feel strongly about.

    This is the reason Threeper enlisted. This is the reason I enlisted, to help preserve a free America. To help defend our nations constitution. To fight for those who were unable to fight for themselves. Someone has to do the job as soldiers and as teachers.

    Chinasyndrome has made rank of PATRIOT and gained his rank by teaching others things that he has learned and by caring enough about his country to put himself in harms way to do this teaching. He along side many, many others who are doing the very same thing, deserve our eternal gratitude. 3% spoke of this while he was alive often . He spoke of Chinasyndrome, Catman , Mayberry , American Prepper and too many others to name, as patriots that he would be proud to know .

    This was the attraction to these blogs, the fact that American citizens care enough to try and help others who need to gain this knowledge. I am feeling a war coming soon. A war in our yards and streets, a war started by a government of tyrants who wish to oppress this countries people.

    America was born of blood and violence, that is how we gained our independence and sovereignty . GUESS WHAT ? We are the same people that did this 230+ years ago. We will fight, bleed and die for our right to be free and THAT my friend is what sets US apart from the rest of the world. BRAVERY, SACRIFICE, A SENSE OF HONOR and A NEED TO BE FREE PEOPLE is what makes Americans bolder, stronger and makes the rest of the world want to live here.

    We will win this in the end. We will never go quietly and we will never accept less than total freedom. We will fight, with our minds and our rifles and we will win this war, I have no doubt in my mind . Things will come around , you will see more Americans getting wise to this shit the PTB is pulling. Our numbers will gain in strength, just watch and see.

    I am excited as well as scared. I got my AR30 today and I am dying to shoot it HAHA ! Talk at ya later China.


  8. All Right on can't wait to hear about shootin day with this bad boy.

