AS pointed out Survival medical treatment is possibly most important aspect of being prepared.
I realize most us of will not be able to read a couple of book's and become field trauma surgeons,yet in a crisis with no real doctors or medical equipment available someone may have to be,now what?
Any reccomendations on hardcore medical manuals.I think in many cases you could make it worse.But knowing how to treat major trauma,gunshot - knife wounds,how to properly apply turniquet,improper use can cause loss of limbs.
I would reccomend at a minumum at least make sure tetnus shot up to date,it would suck to have all the latest and greatest survival equipment only to die from an infected scratch.
A comprehinsive first aid kit is mandatory.Cheaper than dirt,sportsman guide,nitro pak,among many others carry them.Most that I have seen do not come with sutures,some do come with clotting agents,even these have controversy some say good some say don't use.I have seen info online on how to suture,I would at a minimum print this out keep with kit.
Even if no one knows how to use surgical items maybe you will get lucky and the next group that wanders in may have a doctor.Ragnar Benson has recomend in the past vetrinary supplies I dont know but possibly could be a source.With out an adequate hospital much would be impossible.
But the more you know the better your chances. I have ran out of time will do follow up with more info after researching.
What do you think? Right on or not?
12 years ago
There is a set of books/manuals out there called "Where there is no doctor" and "Where there is no dentist" but, the author's name escapes me at the moment . I will find the author and print it here as soon as I do .
ReplyDeleteThese books are terrific reads as well as an integral part of survival preps.
Another great book is called "DITCH MEDICINE" and that too, I forgot the authors name (brainfreeze)
I mentioned the combat medics manual FM 68W in a different thread here and that is the best manual on combat medicine I have ever had the pleasure to read . I would highly recommend these for your personal knowledge, the person you save may be yourself.
Thanks,R3V works kickin my butt.I probally won't get to much untill this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI found both books I mentioned "Where there is no doctor" and "Where there is no dentist" both available for free download in PDF format . You can save them and print and there you'll have both books free of charge , minus printer ink and paper.
- Where there is no doctor pdf
- Where there is no dentist pdf
Anyways, I have to get going but, I wanted to post these links so people can have the option of free survival books .
Thanks man,much appreciated.