So it is obvious the net is about to be cracked down on! I got a rumor Tip whatever you want to call it from a good source blogs like this are about to be dangerous!
We all knew it was coming,but it seems the time draws near.According to some there are Judases among us.
I feel I know who I can trust but ya never know,Jesus loved Judas.
Old saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Janet N. of Department of Homeland Insecurity is making a push to make middle class white males Terrorist.
Personally I think this is part of the NWO plan to divide and conquer.Whites against blacks,whites against Latino's,blacks against both.Muslim extremist have done most of the terrorism in last few years.No of course this doesn't mean all Muslim's are Terrorist any more than every white man is a cracker looking to hang niggers on Sat nite.
Please forgive that kind of talk! But we are not all like that even though some are!
I personally try to measure each man on his own merits.
However bad profiling is in some cases it works,profiling the exact opposite of the suspected profile is Absolutely ASININE!!!!
When the people who are supposed to protect you spend (waste) your tax dollars to harass you,detain,investigate,embarrass,imprison,confiscate belongings,Well then something is sadly.Terribly wrong with the Picture!
All of us bloggers of my ilk Don't want to lump anyone in a group but lets say those who still care about America,individual rights,overreaching Govt,etc have all posted about illegal immigration within the last few years,most Americans have complained to NO avail!
Not Legal immigration,we all welcome legal immigrants!This Country is BROKE with a Capitol B. Why allow illegals to come in and suck on Uncle Bammy's tit? Uncle Bammy,Harry Reid,and Skeletor (Nancy PEELOUSY) are the only ones who don't seem to understand broke!
Bammy spent most of his Presidency on Vacation and a Health care program No wanted.He didn't work on jobs or economy!
In a special Sun nite emergency meeting President Obama and his most trusted staff members hold a special meeting. The internet is under the domain of Homeland Security with North Com under command of Janet the Hun starting Mon morning with help from the Fusion centers that have been collecting data on Americans,legal law abiding Americans the round up of White middle class citizens fitting their profiles: gun owners,NRA and other Gun rights groups,Blog writers and readers,people who have turned in by see something say something wackos,tea party members,anonymous members,all milita members,Ron Paul supporters,members of certain churches,anyone who has bought food in bulk,people who sell items at farmers markets,anyone buying seeds online in bulk,anyone who has bought ammo in bulk,certain other criteria not being released at this time.
Since many of you will be at home with your families when the house is surrounded and tear gas comes in through the windows and the door gets kicked in and the family dog is shot as a precaution,What will you Do?
Changes & Living a new way
1 week ago's off Brother,eyes wide,head on a swivel.....
ReplyDeleteExcellent.I thought so! But if others are scared to answer I hope they will answer as Anon.I want the NWO to see what they are up against there is a LOT of us accused so called white middle class terrorist that won't Puss out.We are not the problem.If pushed we may be the cure!
It's better to die on your feet then live on your knees. And in this case I would ask the wife if she wanted to stay or go but I would fight till the death and take as many of them with me as I could. I would hope I would have time to get out of dodge before the thugs show up in the first place.
ReplyDeleteAn effort like that would be the worst thing to ever happen domestically the country would never recover and if only 1/3 are missed in the first push there will not be enough to control the results of unconstitutional actions like that.
ReplyDeletePete,I agree!Yes I pray it never comes to that,but I never thought I would see the day that U.S. Govt declares middle class whites as terrorist either!
MP,I hope this sort of thing never happens.The fucked up part is so much has already happened!I guess time will tell.
have mercy....I got the decks stacked against me for real. I am a small business owner, and also work a full time job to make life better, a member of a 1%er motorcycle club, white and middle aged (property owner and taxpayer too) and Christian.....not bulletproof either.....what a world.
ReplyDeleteWarlock,indeed you go to top of list!For real man 1% clubs are top of many list.The other items are icing on their cake.Watch your six Bro!
This is one time I'm glad I live alone. Unless you consider three wild mutts and an attack cat as not being 'living alone'...
ReplyDeleteSocial Services and a judge forced me to see a shrink one time. Well, actually, four times, to be totally honest... to see if I was crazy or if I should be allowed custody of my son. Near the end of our first meet, he asked how I slept living in a combat zone 24/7. Simple, I told him: alternate open eyes on an hourly basis and never sleep heavier than the dogs. (I got custody, too.)
20 years later, I still wake when the house shifts as it cools- the pistol is next to my hand and the rifle is locked and loaded three feet away, 20 rounds of 7.62 goodness. Gun cabinet is unlocked when I'm home and every piece is loaded, minus one round.
I've been expecting trouble every nite since I was 19. Don't see it changing any time soon. Too old to run now, anyway, and not the least inclined.
Mildly put: my plan is to Die In Place and take as many with me as I can.
Shy my Brother I expected no less!
Ok , I felt compelled somehow, to comment here , even as late as it may be. The scenario you have set up is , in no uncertain terms , terrifying .
ReplyDeleteEvery man , combat veteran or not , has a moment of definition . That moment when any decision he makes will define him and his life as a whole. It's really easy to post here about what one would or would not do in such a case as you put forth here but, such a situation has been likened to a doctor doing open heart surgery while in the middle of a boxing ring while the heavy weight bout ensues all around the doc .
When SWAT tosses gas in and bursts thru the door , stacked asshole to bellybutton , in overwhelming force as you sit there choking on the OC or tear gas , wondering what will become of your family as they scream commands at you to get down on the floor at gunpoint, you have a decision to make. That decision will dictate the rest of your life and that of your family.
If you can see thru the smoke and gas and you can get your family to safety first, what then? Not like they are giving you ample time to move the wife and kids and then grab your rifle and try to get a sight picture thru watering, burning eyes while choking to death as 12 to 18 armed , well equipped ninjas of the state are piling in thru every entrance in your castle.
C'mon folks , nice to think that you can be John Rambo and none of the above affects you as you go on the warpath indiscriminately killing your invaders ............. WAKE UP ! Your only chance is early warning and then escape and evade , in other words , GET THE FUCK OUT of harms way and conduct ops on YOUR terms, not theirs . (in my humble opinion)
Early detection of the oncoming onslaught and leaving the red zone is the only viable option. If you decide to stay and fight then , SEMPER FI , you just died for your convictions, congrats. This is NOT A GAME , in the scenario set forth by Mr. Chinasyndrome here you have a 1% chance of surviving and that is being optimistic . Cops KILL CITIZENS everyday and SWAT has been militarized to the point where every time they conduct a dynamic entry , they hope to god they get to kill someone.
Just something to chew on from an old jarhead. Either way , good luck all , we will all need it .
Send It! This is the scariest scenario I could think of.And could possibly happen.You my Bro are totally right I can't speak for anybody else but Rambo I ain't.Escape and evade and shoot from as far as Possible is my plan,if possible.Apt or houses with one entry or exit SUCKS!!! Escape would be almost impossible,I do have a plan,which I won't divulge here!I can't wait to get to more defensible location.Knowing what you do and what you used to do I Appreciate your advice and input. With Threeper gone I am at a bit of a loss on advising here.Scenarios to make people think and plan are it.The boys were the brains,I merely asked questions to make em think! Your reply I believe would've been close to Threeper's depending on how pissed he was at the moment.Slightly hot headed yet icy cool... Thanks Bro! And if you have any advice on low buck early warning systems,share the next time ya pop up! I hope ya'all are doing well!
Hey China , I am not now nor was I when I responded , pissed off haha. I just wanted the full gravity of that scenario to sink in . I have been thru combat on several continents and countries around this rock and never once was it glamorous or enjoyable .
ReplyDeleteI appreciate every single individual whom posts here , they and yourself are the good guys and I am proud to know you all . The problem arises when we as human beings get really, really pissed off and let emotion cloud our judgement. It is admirable to aspire to stand and fight and sometimes, we are left with no other choice but to do so .
In this particular scenario, it is my opinion that if there is ANY OTHER OPTION , take it as you do not want to be pinned down in a house or apartment that is full of OC and government sanctioned shitbags who wish for nothing more than to kill you and take your preps. That is what they would be there for , to kill you and take your shit, make no mistake .
I hope that my first response can make it into the minds of as many of our brothers/sisters as possible as they will all be needed later on in the fight . They will be needed so much that to be wasted on some SWAT pussies would be a travesty .
The key to success in any violent confrontation is to fight on YOUR TERMS , not your oppressors terms. Find a way , any way to GTFO and regroup at distance , then do what you must to survive it to fight another day . Granted , this is not always possible and that is the worst case scenario , you have to fight on your enemies terms.
If you have any way to see them amassing in the parking lot prior to their dynamic entry , grab your B.O.B. or grab and go bag and do that , grab it and go like your ass is on fire. We have video surveillance set up here as well as seismic intrusion devices but , for the ones who cannot afford such things , I will find some lower to no cost options and post them soon as possible .
Some may not want to deal with it but, it will come to all of us and soon I fear . With H.R. 1505 coming down the pike (
we will all be in range of homeland stupidity (DHS) and things will get much worse as they yet again circumvent the Constitution .
Anyways , I have to get outta here but , soon as I have time and the research done , I will post options for early warning set ups .
"If you want peace, prepare for war"
Right on Bro!Stay safe!
I keep my guns loaded.... :)
ReplyDeleteBlue,so do I,all of em.I have to step and fetch I don't want to have to find ammo,load ammo,etc etc.
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