Armed citizens are a dictators worst nightmare!!! The gumption to use those arms could be the difference between freedom and slavery. However do you think we can ever be truly free again?
While I agree even at its worst America is the greatest nation in the world,I think Freedom as many of us see it is like the dinosaurs gone and never coming back.
We thought we had freedom by getting rid of the king.
Nay,we replaced one form of tyranny with another.You say this is the land of the free? Ok don't pay your property tax.
Tell your employer as of tomorrow you want all withholding of taxes stopped.
Stop plating your vehicles.
Go fishing without a license.
Carry a pistol without a permit ok a couple of states you now can,good on ya!
Tell the cashier at the gas station you don't pay taxes on fuel.
Tell the next officer who pulls you over for speeding that you are a freeman and this doesn't apply to you.
Go deer hunting at night.
Build a house or cabin the way you see fit,tell the inspectors and zoning people to go to hell none of that stuff for you!
Tell the cashier at Wallyworld you are a free citizen of the USA and do not pay sales tax.
Add Nauseum!
America is a land of LAWS and Taxes.
King George would envy our Federal Government for taking so much from its Citizens!
Oh but China if we don't pay Taxes we wouldn't have schools or roads or health care etc etc etc Bullshit my kids are long out of school,the roads around most of here suck,health care righttt if you don't have good Insurance you are screwed,sometimes with it you are screwed!
FREE hah!!
With all of that,see how much worse it would become.Only the thought of several million gun owners keeps total tyranny at bay.
Never surrender!
Changes & Living a new way
1 week ago
100% True
ReplyDelete...yes indeed,what Pete says...and the truth is painful...
ReplyDeleteThanks Pete! Sad but true.
Hey Ken,yes it is!