Fuck the Repugs fuck the Demopukes.Fuck the debt ceiling. Raise it.Don't raise it.We have let them put us in the shitter.WE.. Us.. It's as much our fault as theirs.. However we realized it too late.
All you can do is get your ass ready!!! Have you got a weapon? Have you got basic food and water put away.
Do you have a plan in case you lose your current home,regardless of where or what it is.
They are not doing jack shit.Save a little on this,little on that raise the ceiling.Talk it up big time,like you really did something!
America is broke,Bammer and every other dumbass in Wash are not gonna save us!
SAVE your damn self.My friend you are an American! There is nothing Americans can't do if they set there minds to it!
Survival requires food,water,shelter,fire,defense,meds, and a few other items the rest is icing.
Survive. Don't count on anyone. If you are counting on Gov to help you survive,good luck!
Changes & Living a new way
1 week ago
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