Police scanner and data base.
Middle class middle aged white males are most likely terrorist!
What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? No, so far most terrorist come from the Middle East and most are Muslim.
Now states can sell your info,Florida is.Of course Judges and LEOS can ask for an exemption!Of course.
Boner and Bama working on debt! Sez her Dems are pissed cause they won't raise taxes.Come on how else can they more people on welfare,and in the world can Hilliary give our money to foreign countries?
Greece is bailed out and all is well! Right them sumbitches is going down hard.They better hurry cause we are gonna need somebody to bail us out!
What a wonderful world!
Changes & Living a new way
1 week ago
...shhhh,don't tell anyone we're terrorist(i mean middle aged,middle class,white guys)we got most of them fooled...lol