For any of you new to firearms.I think if I could only afford one or if it would be a while before I could afford a second I would go with a 12 ga pump.don't forget before taking anyone's advice including mine do a little research.
Now to kill one myth you will not able to point it in the general direction of something and get a hit,you must still aim,the load will spread out but it depends on several factors including ga. which is shotgun talk for caliber,larger is more or less better because there are more pellets in 12ga than in 20ga more pellets better chance of hitting what you are shooting at.
Gauges range from .410 which is usually called .410 bore,28 ga,20 ga,16,12ga,10 ga.There some huge old guns chambered in things like 8 bore 6 bore etc.
but usually for our purposes 20,16,12 will be your options.There are all kinds of loads for shotguns with the 12ga having the most optional loadings,even if you are recoil sensitive you can find something that won't hurt.
Other factors are choke of barrel full choke being tightest improved cyl being most spread out.
Most short barreled shotguns are improved cylinder this spreads rapidly and allows you to shoot slugs which are more of a shotgun bullet a large heavy bullet.The range is much less than a rifle.
Under normal conditions a full choke will shoot farther because the pattern stays tighter.when fired they all start spreading after leaving barrel,but full squeezes load tighter.
Loads can range from dust to 000 buck.Even special loads with several 0 or 00 and 1 lg ball.
Hunting loads can range from #8 shot to #5 or #6 for rabbits and squirrels to the aught loads 0 00 000 or slugs.
And finally barrel length.Shorter spreads quicker.Longer spreads later.In essence you would not use your 18'' riot gun for geese at 40yards.Nor would you use your 32'' extra full choke goose gun as riot gun at close range,well you could but not optimum.
Some of this is over simplified but if you are new or not familiar I hope it will help some.
What do you think? Right on or not?
12 years ago
Don't forget "for our purposes" the wonderful 3 inch slug . It delivers a massive blow that little else in the firearm world will .
ReplyDeleteVERY good post and I concur, China, a shotgun is a terrific first choice for defense/hunting weapon. I have seen a shotgun in action and it is absolutely brutal beyond description .
My first shotgun was a Winchester Ranger with adjustable chokes and a 26 inch vent ribbed barrel . It was about $120.00 back then LOL . .They are still reasonable today so , get em while ya can !
Yep brutally effective.Kinda dating yourself there Brother with that $120 Hah!Yes I have seen several reasonable ones at local shops.