I am disgusted,Mad,bored with our Government and all the Liberal bullshit I am seeing everyday.
So lets take a break from reality,and you tell us what your dream rifle is.I still have several.M1-a1,Bm-59,Fn-fal,Hk-91-93,.Something that never was on mine before but is now is a top quality Ar with various uppers 6.8,.308,7.62x39,7.62x54r,and yeah 5.56.A real Dragunov.not a dream gun,but next on my list is a Mini-30.My Mini -14 is such a great gun,I want to try the 30.
So whats yours?
Changes & Living a new way
2 weeks ago
A real Dragunov would be really nice. I like my PSL but there is a reason they are affordable.(I won't say cheap )
ReplyDeleteDream gun would be and AR10 or M14A2 Either way. I like the Garands but I want removable magazines.
I have my 1911 and that is all the handgun I want(Well, more of the same but I won't be greedy)
I like mine too.same here garands are great but
ReplyDeleteI like M-1A1 cause of detachable mags.
EGADS... a 'dream' gun... LOL, every time I turn a corner, it changes.
ReplyDeleteOne more gun and I won't be able to close the safe- and, no, I ain't buying a bigger safe! Better things to spend money on: more ammo for those already boarding there, fer instance.
Rifle wise, I think a Drag queen is in the offing, but I may end up building it myself, though I think I'd better do it f-a-s-t! (as in S-o-o-n!)
The local gunshop had a mini-thirty... couldn't see paying a grand for even as much as I'd like it. So, I guess the .357 will have to suffie, since it's a bit more powerful than the .30.
Handgun wise, I think I have them covered with the XD, S&W, Ruger and Colt, and a couple unmentionables.
Gosh, I wish I'd quit turning corners...
Ha Ha,I feel ya.I every time I look I see a new one or one I had forgotten about.So many guns,so little money.
Hey Shy,the Mini-30 is 7.62x39 not .30 carbine.Unless I misunderstood comment.
Interesting, China- the mini thirty I looked at was .30 carbine- at least, I thought it was. Still, $800 for a Ruger SKS? Not sure I could justify that kind of expense when I can still get an SK for under $200. And no, you didn't misunderstand my caliber confusion- I did.
ReplyDeleteThe 7.62x39 is about par with the 30-30, though, so the .357 is still in the running- and it hits what I aim at ;) (grin)
God bless
Yeah,a while back I bought PSL-54 Romania knock off of Dragunov.For another $500 or so I could of got M1-a1.But Psl shoots 7.62x54r lots of cheap ammo.Everything is a compromise in one way or another.My Mini shoots great with cheap(wolf,bear)ammo which is supposed to mess it up.And shoots great with factory or no name mags which supposedly jam.If 30 is that good I want one.Sks are supposed to not work well with detachable mags.Thats the only reason I don't have one or three.Any experience in that area?It seems a lot of info is not based on real world experience.Hitting what ya aim at is crucial.
My SKS was just fine with the 20 round mags. Not the Metal ones but the plastic ones from Tapco.(also had the Tapco folding stock so I didn't have to open up the wood stock to accept them) Never misfed from them. There are things that you can do to make it so you can swap mags out from the closed bolt. Not many people do that though.
ReplyDeleteWish I hadn't sold it now. Would make a great little back up gun to the PSL.
question for Shy,
ReplyDeleteWhere the heck are you finding SKS for under $200. I haven't seen one around here(thats worth shooting) for less than $400 and that was a chinese. The Russian and Yugos are going for even more.
Diogenes,thanks Bro.I have wondered if that was armchair warriors spouting that or if it was true.My favorite local gun shop sells em for $239-$269 when they are in stock.one year ago they had a full rack of SKS and Mosin's.Now fewer Mosin's rarely Sks.Last time one for $269 pretty rough gun.
Evening, Diogenes, China- living in the woods up here, I've still found SKS's for $200, but not less. I have seen them in the local fish-wrapper for less, though. I still haven't bought one, but am kicking it around hard. All the ones I've seen have lotsa cruddy looking wood, though the metal seems good/fair/acceptable. They're the Norinco's, made in China I think. They seem to have a "good" reputation, jut oogleee...
ReplyDeleteThe biggest reason I haven't bought one yet is that I can't find room to keep it :( (I know: THAT'S a PROBLEM? LOL) I have more guns than I know what to do with as it is... maybe time to make a trade.
Ha HA Hey Shy.Now that my friend is a Good problem.Ya I am thinking hard on that one myself.I like having multiple guns shooting same round.Crap,so many guns so little money.Oh well gives a guy something to look forward to.
Mossberg Maverick 12 gauge for in the house
ReplyDeleteDPMS AR-15 5.56 for in the front yard
Custom Savage Model 12 in .308 for 800 yards to the gate.