Sniping. from Websters.To shoot at an exposed individual (as of an enemy's forces) from a point of vantage.
Have you studided your A.O (area of operation),your neighborhood,county,city,country roads etc.If attacked by an enemy where would you be able to shoot with the least chance of being shot.
Remember 3% said the snipers only protection is camoflauge-distance.
I have bad news for ya,not all of us are gonna be 1000 yd heartbreakers.Be it due to age,not as steady as we once were,eye sight,quality of weapon,lack of practice,training,etc.
I do strongly reccomend any who can afford a good long range rifle,if you don't have one,get one A.S.A.P. You do not have to buy a Sniper rifle per se.
Most decent hunting rifles will work.Calibers can cause all kinds of debate.As long as it's a little more powerfull than average assult rifle it will help.
Most common assult rifles AR - AK have aprx 400-600 yd range.Loose estimates dont crucify me.
For those who are new or recoil sensitive even 6mm-243 rounds are powerfull kick lightly.
For those who already shoot,you probally already know .308 is one of favorite rounds by many,.308,30-06,300 win mag,300 wsm,7mm,those with money lazzoroni-lapua-weatherby.Just remember that faster it shoots the shorter the barrel life.
Not all shooting will be at extreme long range.So truly practice from point blank to 1000 yds.
Threeper said shooting while moving was a critical skill to have,I have never done it,have you.He recommended shooting around obstacles,over,under pretty much any situtation you may find yourself in.
I reccomend long range because I am not a soldier,I am a tired 48 yr old man packin about 20 lbs I dont need,I will not likely be a match for 20yr old studs that can run for miles.
Changes & Living a new way
2 weeks ago
I had a post written and somehow it got wiped off the map , dammit what a week .
ReplyDeleteI'll redo it in awhile , I have some things to do . I spent 30 minutes writing that damned comment and it was just gone hahaha.........
Be back in awhile China .
Ok folks , I am done dealing with my day and can actually sit back and read or write anything I wish, until the PTB tells me I can't (ha ha ?)
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, SNIPING does not necessarily mean LONG DISTANCE SHOOTING. I have been part of a security team to assist sniper teams in getting set in a hide or perch safely. Yeah, that's right, most often a sniper team has a detail attached to them to provide security while they do their job.
Many sniper's shots are within 500 meters, also a shock to some due to movies and such showing a 2 man team killing people a 1/2 mile away. Although snipers DO have some very long shots to make and are highly trained to make such shots, ultra long distances are not always the case. especially in today's modern warfare. These days jungles and mountains are less familiar then an urban environment for snipers.
I completely agree, 100% with China here, that one should gain access to a long distance capable rifle in any number of .30 cal configurations as it may become necessary to engage an enemy at longer range.
Let's look at something here, what is everyone preparing to fight against? An organized military force? A band of rogue civilians who are looking to take what you have? The list could go on forever but, I personally feel that once a total collapse occurs, we will be fending off angry mobs of disgruntled civilians who neglected to prepare and are coming for your supplies.
In this case, anyone who practices shooting and has food,water and medical supplies is going to have an upper hand in this type of situation . You are looking at hungry, maybe even starving, untrained civilians who are desperate and weak from hunger. The issue is that there may be A LOT of these indigent psychos out there and they want what you have. Something to think about.
If it turns out to be an organized military force that we are facing, this will be a helluva lot more difficult and nearing futile. Recent advances in warfare technology have made the worlds military forces essentially robo warriors. They can see you via thermal sights and have robots to clear an area, unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV's) . They can see you via satellites in space and lob smart munitions on top of you without you even knowing it is coming. All the while , you never had 1 sight picture of a human being to shoot at . Sounds like fucking fun right ? FUTILITY.
The best case scenario in this case is guerrilla tactics, hit and run. Hit and disappear and don't hit again for undisclosed amounts of time . RANDOMNESS will be the key here and we can go into that aspect in more depth later.
Just remember that sniping is the art of putting precision fire on an unsuspecting enemy . 1 man can wreak havoc on a much larger force using this tactic and the ability to do this well will become invaluable on the guerrilla field of battle.
Hey R3V,Right on point.I was trying to think of how to word it,close range sniping for lack of better explanation.As long as well hidden 1 shot only,you must be accurate.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of 7.62x54R? Mosin Nagants are cheap and plentiful.
ReplyDeleteVery powerfull round.I recently picked up Dragunov knock off from Romania so I could take advantage of cheap surplus ammo.I got it because I wanted a little more capacity than mosin however I will get one or two for friends who aren't prepared. I like having several weapons to shoot same ammo.Good choice for bolt gun.
ReplyDeleteThat's my impression of of the round as well, but I've only shot about 20 rds through my brothers. I had him order me one and will shoot it when I'm back home on vacation (shooting rifle calibers in the DC area is a hassle and expensive).
ReplyDeleteThe surplus stuff in sealed tins is dirt cheap, and even the softpoint ammo is cheap when compared to .308 or .30-06, so we'll be stocking up.
If you've had a chance to shoot the Dragunov, how do you like it? And how's the accuracy?
No I haven't had a chance yet,all this damn snow in Indy wont let me get more than a few minutes away from job.Its really makin me crazy to go run some rounds through it,but probally early spring it looks like.A lot of the spam cans are steel core,should be heavy duty penetration.My local range has 1 hi power lane and its not long enough for any kind of test.So for right now I have highly accurate scoped single shot it shares ammo with mini-14.I have short,med,ranges covered to about 600 yds.Hopefully dragunov will be accurate if not it will be traded.
Not that my opinion counts but, I would have to say that7.62x54R is one of the most deadly common rounds available today . By the way, the DRAGUNOV and it's knock offs were explicitly created as sniping weapons.
ReplyDeleteThey were fashioned with SWAROVSKI optics and used by spetznaz troops for a very long time .All of the soviet block countries used the 7.62x54R and it was so successful that many 3rd world countries had adopted it as their round of choice for it's heavy hitting and long range capabilities.
7.62x54R is a VERY good round for combat . It kills about anything it hits and it hits very hard, very far out . Very excellent choice for a battle round as well as the tough as nails and highly dependable rifles that fire this round . GOOD CHOICE !!
You see, THIS is what I love about your blogs Chinasyndrome ! I just received a bunch of information that I did not have before I read this. Call me strange or whatever but, THIS is what I am looking for in a blog .
ReplyDeleteKeep it up guys and THANKS !
SEND IT info from a shooter is always welcome.I believe THREEPERS comment when I told him WAS oh yeah Its a beast.
ReplyDeleteREGULAR Guy .Ain't nothing weird about learning how to protect the things you love.
I am kind of an info freak myself no telling when some obscure info you learned my save your life.Thanks Fellas.
China, I was reading an older post on American Apocalypse and you were looking for cheap AK-47 mags . Even if you have enough , these are a sweet deal for $15.00each per 30 round mag.
"How does your spotter tell you you are clear to shoot ? They tell you to SEND IT !!"
Thanks man,yeah just got em from sportsman actualy.Ha Ha When you first signed on I thought this dude is a sniper or long range shooter or knows of,because I knew what it meant.Ya Know BRO thats going to be my clever code word for eminent danger,if I get the scoop before you all,when you see that on here and all 3 if theres time,then you all know its time to get where your going.