Please go to my new site on knifes and answer some questions for me. Does anybody else share my love of Kukri's? I could really use your feedback!
Changes & Living a new way
3 days ago
I was able to read your questions regarding knives, but was unable to leave comments. The kukri is a great choice, and I often use one while in the woods.One of my favorite uncles had a kukri he had acquired while in the CBI theater during WWII, and insisted that his was worth a fortune. I later had the privilege of becoming friends with Hank Reinhardt, who was then part-owner of Atlanta Cutlery, a huge importer of Nepalese kukris. I bought several, and my Dad (as good a man with an axe as I've ever seen) became a convert to the kukri for nearly everything. Hank later gave me a stainless Blackjack brand "Reinhardt Combat Kukri" made to his design.It was not a commercial success despite its much-improved design, simply due to the fact that mil-issue models were so inexpensive and sturdy. Mine is not for sale.
ReplyDeleteHey Mike thanks for info.I love Kuks myself.Hopefully computer problems are about sorted out.Thanks for stopping by! Over time I will get that site up and running.