It was brought to my attention a good while back then slipped my mind to post. Some current duty vets said most of the info in Active air defense manual is a bit dated. The days of Ak's doing much damage to modern aircraft are pretty much over.
At the minimum .50 cal or .338 Lapua.
And for those that say they will shot the props of choppers etc,send a round up the jet etc um huh good luck with that Brothers. Please don't forget most of these birds now are packing gatling cannons etc. Mosin Nagant against this sort of hardware not something I care to try. There are of course the odd lucky shot,but don't count on this being as viable a method as it once was.
If any one has counter measures that may actually work,do share!
Changes & Living a new way
3 days ago
Any Militia unit that thinks they are going to run for the hills and fight a guerilla campaign are in for a rude awakening. I predict a massive upswing in Predator/Hellfire videos on youtube in the coming unpleasantness. Google "Invisible Resistance To Tyranny" Download, read and apply to your AO. Stay Grey, Stay alive.
ReplyDeleteAnon will do Thanks!