From the prompting of a friend I did order the see thru mounts from midway for the Mini I have been meaning too for a while just haven't gotten to it.I have been through a couple of styles at one point I picked up (cheap) rail that fits in ruger slots for ruger mounts so that you can use various sighting systems in that case you got what ya payed for stripped one screw right off. I have factory mounts with a cheap scope I think around sixty bucks at wally world.But it is accurate at close ranges we get to practice at right now.
Eventually I hope to pick up holographic type sight but for now this works.I also have sling set coming for a private sale weapon all I will tell ya is this one requires barrel band type mount.
Then since said friend and the state of affairs we are facing has me motivated to get what I can while I can I also ordered stripper clips for nagant and bipod for my single shot.
Broke for this period but next I am seriously considering a lg purchase of sand bags.To be filled if needed. This will really make em think I am crazy.But if you are bugging in,would help stop small arms fire.
Changes & Living a new way
2 weeks ago
Excellent purchase of the see thru rings !!! I cannot stress the importance of being fluid in a bad scenario. Being able to see your iron sites as well as your scope , cheap or not , will amaze you when you need em both .
ReplyDeleteCONGRATULATIONS CHINA ! You have just upped your chances of survival immensely !
It is good to remember that your ranch rifle is going to be your best friend as a battle rifle , regardless of what AR fans might say . One thing to address on the ranch rifle model , the rear iron site has a tendency to loosen the screws and come off when under heavy fire output, you may want to place a tiny drop of loctite or something like it to minimize the likelihood of loosing a critical part .
To address your question on the SRS rifle , yes it is light but , they put a lot of thought into it's construction . It was made specifically for deployed snipers on many continents and it performs as such .
It is very well compensated and unlike magnaporting , this compensator actually jets the muzzle downward , helping to maintain your site picture. It is a radical new design in sniper tools and as a former military sniper, I am highly impressed with this creation. It's light weight and versatility may very well make the difference in a critical deployment. It is a beautiful tool that will serve me well in time of need.
Chinasyndrome said
ReplyDelete"We all see how snipers now days hide deeper in a room to avoid detection.What about the winter time no windows open,no shot up burned out buildings here, yet away? Camo to match conditions obviously if outside?"
Winter time will most definitely create some awkward situations within an urban environment. This will require a sniper to choose his hide wisely prior to committing to a position . If you choose to use the inside of a home or building , you will be shooting thru a closed window etc which is not preferable and limits you to one shot then escape and evade to secondary hide.
If outdoors , I pray you have some kind of cold weather training or will at least be clothed warm enough to stay still and not compromise your position .
In traditional sniping , your only line of defense is distance and camouflage . Camouflage is defeated by movement and in an urban environment, you most likely will not have as much distance as you'd like.
I will look up some vids or training lessons on snow camo and snow hides as it will be virtually impossible to explain it in words . I am in hopes that neither you or me will be in a situation like this , out in the snow , all alone trying to stay alive . Not preferable by any standard but, it's what we do and why we are so hated/revered on the field of battle.
I'll keep it short so this will post lol .
I have no doubts it is a great weapon.These new brakes are amazing.I think largest round I have fired was 375 H n H when I was a kid.Don't know why my dad had one in Ind he was not a big game hunter.But recoil was about the same to me as 12ga.Will do on loctite.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bro!
Here are some really inexpensive snow camo suits available from
Check them out unless you already have a set or two . I am currently using German snow camo .
Hah must of commenting as you were! Yes one lesson I retained from Threeper.Distance and camo, movement defeats camo.Got it!I appreciate the info!Thanks again!