Hey Bob if that football player stabbed his old lady 9 times with an umbrella,would you call for a ban on umbrellas? What a Fucking no talent hack. Got your name and face in the news for a minute didn't ya Bobby! Another name to add to the list of American Traitors!
No Bobby,what we really need is a ban on Pussy Ass leftist girly men! We need Judges with the Balls to enforce ALL the laws already on the books! Lots and lots of laws Bobby but they aren't enforced UNLESS you are a law abiding citizen! SEE numnuts (I am gonna spell it out for ya). Criminals don't obey laws! Surprise Surprise Surprise Criminals don't Obey laws SO gun control only affects honest citizens. Now Bobby I can call ya Bobby can't I? Ok Bobby,if the Judges and all the slimey weasel dick lawyers would stop getting all these criminals off with no or minimal time,they might not want to be criminals anymore.
So Bobby if a criminal breaks in points a gun at you and tells ya he is gonna rape your girl or your boyfriend and you are going to have to watch,wouldn't you hope to have a gun to keep your boyfriend from getting buggered,well by a criminal anyway?
Say Bobby you do realize criminals Don't register their guns right?
Bobby I am sick and tired of pussy's like you spouting your false bullshit!
So Bobby,FUCK YOU! and all your leftist girlymen buddys! Hell our females are tougher then you bitches!
Changes & Living a new way
3 days ago
Right on Brother! I will pitch in on his plane ticket to any unarmed U.N. country of his choice!! Good to see ya Bro,you been quiet I was wondering if ya were ok!
"I can call ya Bobby right"
Oh, man there have been so many times where I wish I could talk to those fucks in that tone of voice.