Ron Paul is afraid of false flag events. He also sees little prairie fires of Freedom! Come on all you Patriotic Freedom loving Americans,lets set this fucking Prairie on fire!!! Make it so hot, the commies,fascist,nazi's, will be Forever afraid to screw with our Freedoms again!
This was a good weekend for Patriots, all the folks getting to meet and greet share and trade idea's and ideals. Ideals can't be imprisoned,legislated, tazed,stomped on,or killed! You can try. But the Idea - Ideals of Freedom have been in man's heart since the begging of time. Some may have lost this ideal without even knowing its lost. Do Not be afraid to speak of Freedom or Question wrongs!!! Many are afraid to speak. Yet the more who speak,the more who will get IT !!!
THEY the PTB can't silence all of US! Nor an IDEAL !!!
Set the fuckin Prairie on Fire !!!
To all my Brother Wolverines remember sometimes a well aimed word is better than a well aimed bullet!! Sometimes the time for talk is over!