What books do have in your BOBs.Obviously with even paperbacks being heavy are there any you wouldn't leave without.I recently picked up the weed cookbook and edible wild plants of eastern and central America.Both are very good. The weed cookbook was expensive.Either would be worth carrying.So far I have one wild plant book and improvised munitions manual in mine.Most medical types to heavy to carry.
Are you packing or caching books or manuals? I am an info freak.And in my 48th year I find my memory ain't what it used to be.I had a great time in 80s might of lost some brain cells.
Medical or trauma wound care is such a large subject I wonder if there is something small and light enough to carry?
I am sure I am overlooking something! Thoughts/Advice welcomed! You military or ex types,knowing you would have no resupply what would you be packing besides hardware?
I know R3V and ThreePercent4freedom recommend top notch trauma kits not the drug store bandaid type 1st aid kit.
Trying to get back on track here!Many feel the shit is about to get deep! I have seen videos of quick clot it seems to be a good product to have in kit.Anyone have real world experience with it.I think early products like this were rather dangerous.
If anyone has a subject they feel needs covered bring it up!
Changes & Living a new way
2 days ago